Division One Player Rankings 2002-3

Premier League

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End of season: Due to poor return of match cards it was agreed in the CDSA league meeting of April 7th, 2003 that no end of season trophy would be awarded to the players of the year. Congratulations, however, to Joe Jones from Canton Liberal Club for an outstanding league record.

  April 7th, 2003 Team Percentage won
1 Joe Jones Canton Liberal Club 94%
2 Gary Bennett Roath Labout Club 83%
3 C.Beecher South Wales Snooker 'B' 83%
4 Dave Crawley Rumney British Legion 82%
5 D.Thomas Cardiff Bus 81%
6 Bobby McNamara Park Cons 80%

Note: players must have played in at least 12 matches by the end of the season to qualify

Table includes match cards received by the league meeting, April 7th